Cost depending on the length of the gaps Sequence comparison Approximate string matching with k differences
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Longest common subsequences

If we set Sub(a,a) = 0 for and Sub(a,b) = Del(a) + Ins(b) for and . Then T[m-1,n-1] represents the edit distance between x and y where a deletion of a followed by an insertion of b is always prefered to a substitution of a by b. The solution to the dual problem gives the length of a longest common subsequence of x and y.

The notion of longest common subsequence of two strings is used to compare file. The diff command of the UNIX system is based on this notion where the lines of the files are considered as the symbols of the alphabet.

A subsequence of a word x is obtained by deleting zero, one or several letters of x. More formally w0w1···wi-1 is a subsequence of x0x1···xm-1 if there exists a strictly increasing sequence of integers (k0, k1, ..., ki-1) such that for 0 <= k <= i-1, .

A word w is a longest common subsequence of x and y if w is a subsequence of x, a subsequence of y and its length is maximal.

Let us remark that two words x and y can have several different longest common subsequences. The set of the longest common subsequences of x and y is denoted by Lcs(x,y).

The (unique) length of the elements of Lcs(x,y) is denoted by lcs(x,y).

A straightforward method to compute lcs(x,y) consists in considering all the subsequences of x, checking if they are subsequences of y and keeping the longest. The word x of length m has 2m subsequences, thus this method is not applicable for high values of m.

Let x a word of length m and y a word of length n. Using dynamic programming yields to compute lcs(x,y) in O(mn) time and space complexity. The method computes length of longest common subsequences of longer and longer prefixes of the two words x and y.

For that we used a two-dimensional table T of size (m+1) * (n+1) defined as follows:

T[i,-1] = T[-1,j] = 0 for -1 <= i <= m-1 and -1 <= j <= n-1

and for 0 <= i <= m-1 and 0 <= j <= n-1

T[i,j] = lcs( x0x1···xi, y0y1···yj)

The computation of lcs(x,y) = T[m-1,n-1] if based on a simple observation which leads to the following recurrence formula:
for 0 <= i <= m-1 and 0 <= j <= n-1

PROPOSITION For 0 <= i <= m-1 and 0 <= j <= n-1:

Let , and .
z is a longest common subsequence of x0x1···xi-1 and y0y1···yj-1.
z' is a longest common subsequence of x0x1···xi-1 and y0y1···yj.
z'' is a longest common subsequence of x0x1···xi and y0y1···yj-1.
|z| = T[i-1,j-1], |z'| = T[i-1,j] and |z''| = T[i,j-1].
Then clearly if xi = yj, T[i,j]=1+T[i-1,j-1] and w = zxi is a longest common subsequence of x0x1···xi and y0y1···yj.

If then let us consider the following two cases:

This formula is used by the algorithm LONGEST-COMMON-SUBSEQUENCE to compute all the values of T.

algo 4.1

This computation is evidently in O(mn) time and space complexity. It is the possible to exhibit a longest common subsequence of x and y tracing back in the table from T[m-1,n-1] to T[-1,-1].

algo 4.2


AGGA is a longest common subsequence of x = AGCGA and y = CAGATAGAG.

This corresponds to the four following alignments:

Cost depending on the length of the gaps Sequence comparison Approximate string matching with k differences
Next: Cost depending Up: Sequence comparison Previous: Approximate string matching
e-mails: {Christian.Charras, Thierry.Lecroq}
Thu Feb 19 10:23:29 WET 1998