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Quick Search algorithm

Main features

The Quick Search algorithm uses only the bad-character shift table (see chapter Boyer-Moore algorithm). After an attempt where the window is positioned on the text factor y[j .. j+m-1], the length of the shift is at least equal to one. So, the character y[j+m] is necessarily involved in the next attempt, and thus can be used for the bad-character shift of the current attempt.

The bad-character shift of the present algorithm is slightly modified to take into account the last character of x as follows: for c in Sigma, qsBc[c]=min{i : 0  < i leq m and x[m-i]=c} if c occurs in x, m+1 otherwise (thanks to Darko Brljak).

The preprocessing phase is in O(m+sigma) time and O(sigma) space complexity.

During the searching phase the comparisons between pattern and text characters during each attempt can be done in any order. The searching phase has a quadratic worst case time complexity but it has a good practical behaviour.

The C code
void preQsBc(char *x, int m, int qsBc[]) {
   int i;

   for (i = 0; i < ASIZE; ++i)
      qsBc[i] = m + 1;
   for (i = 0; i < m; ++i)
      qsBc[x[i]] = m - i;

void QS(char *x, int m, char *y, int n) {
   int j, qsBc[ASIZE];

   /* Preprocessing */
   preQsBc(x, m, qsBc);
   /* Searching */
   j = 0;
   while (j <= n - m) {
      if (memcmp(x, y + j, m) == 0)
      j += qsBc[y[j + m]];               /* shift */

The example

Preprocessing phase

Quick Search algorithm qsBc table
qsBc table used by Quick Search algorithm

Searching phase


Tuned Boyer-Moore algorithmESMAJHorspool algorithmContents
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e-mails: {Christian.Charras, Thierry.Lecroq }@laposte.net
Tue Jan 14 15:03:31 MET 1997