Julien Allali

MiGaL Tutorial

MiGaL Tutorial: Example 3, build phylogenetic trees using UPGMA method

This example explains how to build a phylogenetic tree for a set of RNA secondary structures using phylo.py. This python script is available in the directory tools in the migal sources.

Algorithm description

phylo.py starts by computing the scoring matrices (pairwise comparisons). Then the best score is selected. The two species corresponding to this score are removed from the matrix and replaced by a consensus structure (built with migal -M -x ...). Then the scores between the new structure and other structures are cumputed and so on until the matrix contains only one structure.

At each step i, a directory that represents the selected score in the matrix is created. For example, if we have three species A, B and C, we first compute the score between A and B, A and C, B and C. If the score for AC is the minimum, a directory 0_A_C is created and the comparison between A and C is re-run in that directory.

Concret example

The options for this script are the same as for the phylo_nj.py script (see example2). In particular, --html-rel and --html-abs allows one to create an html file that represents the computed tree with links to each directory. Using the same data of the previous example (8 16S structures + 2 postscripts) and the command phylo.py --html-rel --phylip --rnaplot *xml, we obtain (in less than 1 minute):

Below is the file tree.ps

Second example:

The second example is a tree built for 14 16S taken from the The Comparative RNA Web Site. RNAs and postscripts are in this file. We the run the following command to remove pseudo-knots:
for i in *bpseq
rnaconverter -i $i -o `basename $i bpseq`xml

and then phylo.py --html-rel --phylip --rnaplot *xml (take about 2 minutes). The tree drawn with phylip is shown below:

The html file of the tree is available here(screen-shot below):
